50 Side Hustle Ideas to add extra income to your Budget!

What is a side hustle?

A side hustle is a way of bringing income into your household budget, aside from your normal income. Other names include nixers, extra income, moonlighting, and side projects.

Some side hustles are quick and easy to do, and some require a skill, qualification or a talent. I’ve tried to add a good mixture to my list.

Considerations when getting side hustle income.

Yes all side hustle income is taxable, unless it is paid in the form of a voucher. This income must be declared with revenue.

In Ireland, if you earn under €5,000 in the year you can declare this income on your income tax return. This is very easy to do using myAccount.

If you earn more than €5,000… first of all WELL DONE you!! Again yes, you must declare this income. You will need to register for self-assesment. Once registered it is easy enough to file a tax return form with ROS. Checkout this link for more info.

As this income is taxable, its very important to track it, and keep a record of what you have coming in.

Which Side Hustle is for you?

Well first off, you need to look at how much time you have spare… do you have weekends free, evenings, or even one evening? This will help you decide for sure what side hustles are definitely not for you.

Another thing to consider is what are your passions? If you are passionate about something, you are more likely to for one enjoy doing it, but also you are more likely to strive for it to succeed.

You should also consider any skills or qualifications that you have. For instance, teaching grinds if you are a teacher, which can be very flexible.

Lastly I think its important to think about how much it is going to cost you to start doing this side hustle… some side hustles will be free to start, and some may require an investment, which is something to think about.

Types of Side Hustle Income

Earned Income: Where you have put time and effort in to earn the income in return. This is the easiest time of income. Examples include a part-time job, freelance work, or doing a craft.

Passive Income: More complicated to set up in the beginning, takes time effort and maybe money. However once it is set up, the money should come in without any time and effort on your part. This income may be slow, but as is requires little effort, that is ok, it will accumulate over time. Examples include rental properties, investments, and affiliate sales.

Capital Gains Income: Where you buy something and in return for doing something to it, or even holding on to it for a while, you can sell it and get a profit. This is capital gains income. Examples include buying and selling furniture or buying and selling stocks.

I hope these ideas are helpful to you! If you do Side Hustles to increase your household income, let me know what you do below!

Feeding 5 People for €5

With food prices soaring, inflation hitting our food budgets, back in March I started thinking about how I could help families like mine…

Chilli Con Carne

That’s when I decided to do a meal that only cost €5 to feed all 5 of us!

I set some rules for myself… Obviously I wanted to stick to a €5 budget (where possible)! I wanted to make the meals somewhat balanced, with a focus on fresh ingredients. I wanted also to change the shops where i purchased the ingredients, as i was aware not everyone has the choice of where they can do their food shop. I wanted to include meals that would suit different diets, so that if you were vegetarian, celiac or even just very picky, there would be a meal for you.

Pesto Chicken

I do not include cupboard staples, things you probably already have at home. It is just the main ingredients that i include in the costing of the €5 meal. However many of these ingredients can be used for additional meals, and also there are usually also leftovers!

So my first meal was a chilli with ingredients from Aldi. It included minced beef for €2.69, Basmati rice for €0.99, carrot & parsnip tray for €0.49, passata for €0.49, and baked beans for €0.25. The ingredients cost a total of €4.91.

I posted the full meal on my Instagram, in the form of a reel, and it was very well received. At the time of this post, there are 100k views on this particular reel. I have continued with these reels since, and post a new feeding 5 people for €5 meal every week since.

Spaghetti Carbonara

So far my meals have consisted of the above chilli, fish and chips, a sausage casserole, chicken and pesto with baby potatoes, a chickpea curry, spaghetti carbonara, butternut squash risotto, roast chicken, spaghetti bolognaise, and spaghetti aglio e olio.

I will post some of the recipes in future posts, but what i would love to know, is what is your favorite type of food? Do you like Italian, Indian or Asian? Do you like good home cooked foods, or are you a meal in 15 mins kinda person?

Welcome to Irish Budgeting!


After following the Irish and indeed worldwide debt free community for many years, since about 2017, I decided December 2021 it was time for me to set up my own page. 

I wanted to publicly share our own journey towards freedom from debt, and also share all the money saving tips, side hustle ideas and budgeting know how that i had picked up along our own journey!

I have seen some amazing things come from taking control of my money. Some of our wins include our wedding only costing €7,000, reducing our food budget down to just €100 a week for our family of 5, buying our family car with cash, cash flowing holidays and even saving €15,000 in one year which helped us buy or own house!

I’m on a mission to simplify budgeting, help people to take control themselves and change the Irish financial scene. A few small changes could change things for you and your family’s future. Once you get started it only takes 10-15 minutes a week! 

I Post daily on Instagram, and at least twice a week on YouTube and now I am going to post here hopefully at least twice weekly.

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